Finding the right gua sha tool for YO'U

Which Crystal Do You Need?
Finding the right gua sha tool for YO'U


A Crystal For Everyone

All of our wellness and gua sha massage tools are crafted to lift, plump and sculpt, boost lymphatic drainage and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. However, depending on your skincare concern you may find one crystal more powerful than others. Whether you have sensitive skin, rosacea, are looking to de-stress, wondering how to build your immune system or to reduce wrinkles, we have the crystal for you.


Green Jade (or feng jade) is the traditional choice for gua sha. Jade gua sha has a long history of use in Chinese medicine and is considered the ultimate gemstone of ancient Chinese beauty treatments. 

According to Chinese medicine jade is believed to carry a healing energy to help to relax, rebalance and restore a sense of harmony. Green Jade is a stronger crystal in material than others, making it the perfect gua sha facial tool for lifting, sculpting and contouring.

Green Jade promotes calmness, balance, and positivity. It's known as the all-round yin-yang crystal, making a Jade gua sha the ideal skincare choice for any time of day.


According to Chinese medicine, rose quartz is believed to tonify the heart qi, helping maintain blood flow and circulation. The perfect solution for those with sensitive or reactive skin, rose quartz gua sha is famous for its magical cooling properties. Rose quartz gua sha massage is particularly effective in the morning and summer months.

Rose quartz is also best known for being the stone of unconditional love. It’s believed by some to emit a strong vibration of; love, joy and emotional healing perfect for your self-care routine.


Known as the 'master healer' in Chinese Medicine, clear quartz is a gentle yet powerful crystal when your skin needs a boost and at bedtime. Clear quartz removes heat from the body created from the stresses of the day, calms the mind and improves energy flow.

Because of its calming qualities, clear quartz gua sha is the perfect skincare choice when skin is feeling tired and stressed after a long day. It also works particularly well at reducing eye puffiness and for a calming gua sha massage.

November 01, 2023 by Kim Chiko

Finding the right gua sha tool for YO'U

Which Crystal Do You Need?
Finding the right gua sha tool for YO'U


A Crystal For Everyone

All of our wellness and gua sha massage tools are crafted to lift, plump and sculpt, boost lymphatic drainage and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. However, depending on your skincare concern you may find one crystal more powerful than others. Whether you have sensitive skin, rosacea, are looking to de-stress, wondering how to build your immune system or to reduce wrinkles, we have the crystal for you.


Green Jade (or feng jade) is the traditional choice for gua sha. Jade gua sha has a long history of use in Chinese medicine and is considered the ultimate gemstone of ancient Chinese beauty treatments. 

According to Chinese medicine jade is believed to carry a healing energy to help to relax, rebalance and restore a sense of harmony. Green Jade is a stronger crystal in material than others, making it the perfect gua sha facial tool for lifting, sculpting and contouring.

Green Jade promotes calmness, balance, and positivity. It's known as the all-round yin-yang crystal, making a Jade gua sha the ideal skincare choice for any time of day.


According to Chinese medicine, rose quartz is believed to tonify the heart qi, helping maintain blood flow and circulation. The perfect solution for those with sensitive or reactive skin, rose quartz gua sha is famous for its magical cooling properties. Rose quartz gua sha massage is particularly effective in the morning and summer months.

Rose quartz is also best known for being the stone of unconditional love. It’s believed by some to emit a strong vibration of; love, joy and emotional healing perfect for your self-care routine.


Known as the 'master healer' in Chinese Medicine, clear quartz is a gentle yet powerful crystal when your skin needs a boost and at bedtime. Clear quartz removes heat from the body created from the stresses of the day, calms the mind and improves energy flow.

Because of its calming qualities, clear quartz gua sha is the perfect skincare choice when skin is feeling tired and stressed after a long day. It also works particularly well at reducing eye puffiness and for a calming gua sha massage.

12 Ways to Use Cucumber for Your Skin


12 Ways to Use Cucumber for Your Skin



Cucumber is 96 percent  water Trusted Source, making it a hydrating addition to DIY skin treatments as well as being generally safe for sensitive skin due to its lack of harsh, potentially irritating ingredients.
If you’d like to add it to your routine, here are some ideas for how to do so: 
1. Apply a cooling eye treatment to help with puffy eyes
from getting less sleep than we would like.  Because of this, we can wake with puffy eyes. Cucumber can aid in de-puffing the eye area, as well as provide some cooling relief
The juice of a cucumber can not only reduce swelling in the eye area, it can also soothe damaged skin and make your eyes look and feel refreshed. This is due to cucumber’s vitamin C and folic acid content.
But don’t forget the eye cream after! Cucumber doesn’t have the power to moisturize the eye area based on water content alone. To lock in the hydration, you should follow up your cucumber eye treatment with an eye cream of your choice.
2. Mist a DIY toner to soothe burnt or damaged skin
Sometimes, even on our best sunscreen days, we still get sunburnt. A homemade cucumber toner can help with the damaged skin, providing a cooling effect.
Make your own cooling toner (based off this recipe):
  1. Wash, peel, and slice a cucumber and add to a pan with enough water to cover the cucumber pieces.
  2. Heat over a low flame for roughly 5-7 minutes before transferring the contents to a blender or food processor and blending until smooth.
  3. From there, pour the mixture through a fine mesh sieve or squeeze with a cheesecloth to remove any unblended pieces.
  4. Transfer the remaining liquid to a spray bottle or other sterilized container.
  5. Feel free to add a teaspoon of rose water or witch hazel to amplify the hydrating and healing mixture.

3. Make a cucumber mask to help with irritated and acne-prone skin

Cucumber is also extremely beneficial to those with irritated and acne-prone skin. Infuse the soothing ingredients of cucumber water with bentonite clay to create a mask that can protect against skin irritation and swelling.

For acne-prone skin,cucumber juice can help dilute potent essential oils like tea tree oil. This way you can fight breakouts without drying out or stinging your skin. Cucumber can also be rubbed directly on the skin, over acne spots, or even put under a sheet mask while waiting.

4. Wash your face with cucumber water

For a simple morning wash, mix cucumber water with other beneficial ingredients like aloe vera, green tea, or castile soap. (Plus, if your tap water source is questionable, cucumber water may be a good swap.)

You can also splash your face with cucumber water to feel refreshed and awake at any time of day.

5. Create a DIY cucumber body lotion

Creating your own cucumber-based body lotion is quick and easy. Take your regular DIY lotion recipe and instead of normal water, use cucumber water.

Hello Glow uses a mixture of aloe vera, vitamin E, and coconut milk to create an all-natural hydrating body lotion. If your skin is happier with thicker, gel-based lotions, try this one by Thought.

6. Relax with a hydrating cucumber mask

Since cucumber is 96 percent water, you can mix it with other natural ingredients to create a mask that helps to exfoliate the skin and soak up cucumber’s soothing qualities.

Use kitchen leftovers: A mixture of cucumber, honey, and yogurt combine to create a hydrating and delicious-smelling mask. Feel free to get creative, adding ingredients like oats to the mix for calming and exfoliating properties.

7. Eat, drink, and stir in your skin care

Water is something your body needs to perform vital functions — from regulating temperature to maintaining a healthy digestive system — so adding sliced cucumber to the water you drink is an amazing way to hydrate. Especially if you’re not fond of the taste of plain water.

Want to get straight to the chase and not worry about your DIY treatments growing mold? Try professionally-formulated products instead. You’ll find it labeled as the ingredient “cucumis sativus.”

And if your skin really drinks up cucumber, make sure it’s one of the first few ingredients on the list. This increases the likelihood of potency.


January 24, 2023 by Kim Chiko

Benefits Of Dry Brushing

Benefits of dry brushing

“Dry brushing unclogs pores in the exfoliation process. It also helps detoxify your skin by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph flow/drainage,” says Dr. Khetarpal. Also, by unclogging pores, it's easier for the body to sweat and eliminate toxins in your system.

12 Ways to Karma Cleanse

When we hear the word karma, we often associate it with “bad karma” or the act of justice being served. However, karma in Sanskrit means action. Every action leads to another reaction, creating a never-ending circle of actions and reactions—which could be negative or positive. Every so often, we may think its time to karma cleanse and reset this cycle on a positive note. Here are 12 simple ways to karma cleanse:

  1. Make a list of all the things you have to be grateful for right now. Write them down and place it some place where you can see it easily—like your sacred space—to remind you when the going gets tough.
  2. Write a letter of forgiveness to someone who has hurt you. It is not necessary to send it. The act of forgiveness takes a load off of you and lets you live without resentment, which just makes one bitter. This also helps break karmic ties because anger, as well as love, is an energy that binds.
  3. Write a letter asking for forgiveness from someone you have hurt. This one is also not necessary to send.
  4. Practice random acts of kindness without expecting reciprocation or compensation in return. This lets your ego have a much-needed break from the suffering of expectations.
  5. Check the intentions behind your actions. Are you seeking some kind of reward and/or boost for your ego? Is it really just all about you and what you want or need? Be truthful with yourself and others.
  6. Self-study and reflection, daily moments of non-action and meditation.
  7. Add beauty and joy in some way, wherever you go, without needing recognition. Live beauty. Live joy, passionately.  It also lets your hard-working ego and mind have a well-deserved break.
  8. Don’t worry about what other people think or say about your. It doesn’t have much to do with you anyway. Live to impress yourself, not others.
  9. Always try to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see things from another angle. This develops empathy and compassion but not pity.
  10. Don’t judge others unless you have walked a while in their shoes and even then don’t judge, because we will never know someone else’s entire story.
  11. If someone is hurting you, let them know in a neutral manner. Explain how they are causing you distress. Have open channels of communication that is not threatening to either side. If they don´t care to or are not able to stop and walk away, they are just acting out the pain they have inside because they need a way to release it. You are not obligated to continue the cycle of pain and you have every right to protect yourself from toxic behavior and energy. Sometimes the best response is to just remove yourself from the situation. Do not feed into the negative energy exchanges and the cycle will break.
  12. Don´t hurt anyone or anything. We are all one family here on our planet. Our action is what we experience. We are all tiny reflections of the Earth, offering and contributing of our small selves to the whole and truly divine picture.

Plants That Purify the air in your house


Plants that Purify Clean Indoor Air

Did you know that NASA commissioned a two-year study regarding how to clean the air in space stations with house plants?


NASA discovered that some house plants not only absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, but they also eliminate significant amounts of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and other chemicals from the air. We’ll talk about which indoor plants to consider for purifying the home, a little about the chemicals they remove and the importance of good ventilation overall with fresh air and filters.

Chemicals These House Plants Remove From Air

NASA spent two years testing house plants for formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene removal properties. Another indoor plant study by Dr. B.C. Wolverton researched ammonia, xylene and toulene so we’ll mention both.


Unfortunately, formaldehyde (in small amounts) is everywhere in the home from building materials to household products. A short list of where it can be found includes insulation, glues and adhesives, pressed wood products like particleboard (a material used in a lot of furniture, decorative plywood paneling, wrinkle removers, gas stoves and fire retardants. On the extreme, formaldehyde is thought to cause cancer while moderate exposure leads to allergic reactions. Either way, it’s not ideal to have around.


Human exposure to benzene occurs through inhalation, with cigarette smoke as a major offender as well as exposure to benzene-containing petroleum products. For example, WHO says that homes with attached garages have higher levels of benzene than those with detached garages. Other sources of benzene include smog (especially near industrial areas), building materials like paint and glues, paint stripper, detergents, rubber and inks. Benzene is an irritant and a well-known cause of cancer in cases of chronic exposure. There’s a long list of other health problems associated with benzene.


Trichloroethylene is an organic compound primarily found in building materials and industrial solvents that are used to remove grease. Unfortunately, it’s also found in water. Sources of trichloroethylene include rug cleaners, spot removal fluids, typewriter correction fluid, adhesives and paint remover. Trichloroethylene damages the central nervous system causing fatigue, blurred vision as well as cancer and birth defects in cases of chronic exposure.

Xylene And Toulene

Exposure to xylene and toulene happens through inhalation, swallowing or touching these compounds. Sources include fingernail polish, glues and adhesives, lacquer, paints, paint thinners, wood stains, rubber and plastic cements. Xylene and toulene are irritants that affect the nervous system, gastrointestinal system, kidneys and more.


We all probably know what ammonia smells like due to ammonia-based cleaners. Sources of ammonia include household cleaners, animal feces, fertilizers, wood fires and fuels. Low levels of ammonia in the home aren’t problematic but increased exposure leads to nausea and headaches. People with allergies and asthma are particularly sensitive to ammonia in the air.

10 Plants That Help Clean Air

So, now let’s talk about plants that help clean these nasty chemicals out of the air. Interestingly enough, a lot of these plants might be toxic to cats and dogs (or even kids) if eaten, so do some research if you think there’s a risk.

1. Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake plant sansevieria trifasciata cleans air

Snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue (really, could they have thought of a better nickname?) is a very popular house plant that can be used outdoors in areas without direct sunlight. It’s native to to West Africa and, with it’s upright leaves, has a lot of architectural interest making it a popular choice for contemporary homes. Snake plant is a very effective indoor air cleaner against formaldehyde,  benzene, trichloroethylene, xylene and toulene.

2. Peace lily (spathiphyllum ‘Mauna Loa’)

peace lily cleans and purifies indoor air

Peace lily helps clean the air of all the offending chemicals listed above. In addition, it helps get rid of acetone, a chemical released by electronics and certain cleaners. Peace lilies require shade and frequent watering. Keep dust of the leaves as well.

3. Boston fern (nephrolepis exaltata bostoniensis)

boston fern cleans and purifies indoor air

Indirect light and moderate, Southern California warmth keep Boston ferns happy. They’re easy to find, inexpensive and can take some neglect. Boston ferns are some of the best  filterers of formaldehyde, though they also clean small amounts of xylene and toulene.

4. Gerbera Daisy or Barberton daisy (gerbera jamesonii)

gerbera daisy daisies clean indoor air and produce oxygen at night

Three cheers for color! Gorgeous Gerbera daisies not only cheer up your home, but do it some good too. Gerbera daisies are rare plants in that they also release oxygen during the night, so keep them in the bedroom for restful sleep. They need sun and water as soon as the dirt in the pot dries out. Gerbera daisies rid the air of benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.

5. Red-edged dracaena (dracaena marginata)

Red-edged dracaena (Dracaena marginata) cleans air

I bought my first red-edged dracaena at Home Depot for about $2. The leaves had a red edge that can add a pop of color to an indoor arrangement. However, these can grow very tall so remember that as you decide to increase pot size. Red-edged dracaena filters formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, xylene and toulene.

6. Pot mum (chrysanthemum morifolium)

chrysanthemum cleans indoor air

Chrysanthemums like sun and water as soon as the soil is dry an inch or so from the top. Inexpensive to buy at even grocery stores, this chrysanthemum not only has excellent feng shui properties, but it cleans all chemicals listed above from the air, especially benzene.

7. Aloe

aloe barbedensis cleans air and heals wounds

Though not a part of the NASA study, aloe is extremely good at filtering our formaldehyde. It loves sun so is the perfect plant to keep near a kitchen window. Break off a leaf to heal accidental burns and wounds as well–it’s dual purpose!

8. Lady palm (rhapis excelsa)

lady palms rhapis excelsa purifies indoor air

These gorgeous palm trees with their finger-like leaves do well inside the house without direct exposure to sunlight. Be careful not to soak the roots. Lady palms remove formaldehyde, xylene and toulene, but is an extremely efficient ammonia cleaner.

9. Golden pothos (epipremnum aureum)

golden pothos cleans indoor air

Golden pothos is a fast-growing vine that looks great in hanging pots or wherever it has the ability to cascade or climb. Consider placing golden pothos near the garage as it has an acute ability to clean benzene out of the air as well as carbon monoxide. Formaldehyde,  trichloroethylene, xylene and toulene are other chemicals the plant targets.

10. Philodendrons (philodendron oxycardium, philodendron bipinnatifidum, philodendron domesticum)

philodendron bipinnatifidum cleans indoor air

Philodrendrons are known specifically for removing formaldehyde from the air. With big, decorative leaves, they make for stunning container gardens indoors and out.

NASA recommends that you use 15-18 house plants (that live in 6-8 inch containers) in an 1800 square-foot home.


The Importance Of Good Ventilation

Though filling your home with gorgeous house plants helps the family breathe well, letting in fresh air and re-circulating it in a healthy manner is also extremely important.

Best way to cleanse or detox the body


A peaceful spot to reflect and purify the senses at the Rosewood Mayakoba Spa in Riviera Maya, Mexico

Humans are at the top of the food chain and most likely to be exposed to a buildup of toxic substances in the food supply, and beyond. Add all the chemicals in cosmetics, noise pollution, water shortages and a seriously shrinking ozone layer and you quickly realize there is no escaping this toxic load, or what many researchers now refer to as “pollution in people.” The United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates more than 80 percent of all illnesses have environmental and lifestyle causes at the root, which could be helped by de-stressing regularly, purifying the blood and detoxifying the skin and other cleansing organs on a consistent basis. And, as we get older, we produce less melatonin and other therapeutic hormones that help the detox process, says Dr. James Forsythe, author of Anti-Aging Cures (Vanguard Press 2012). “Unhealthy food practices emerge as the primary cause of poor digestive and detox health,” he says. To cleanse, it’s vital to “eliminate or greatly reduce unhealthy foods from your diet, starting with sugars, alcohol, caffeine and all animal products.”

While several strategies we found do work by simply “sweating them out,” others decontaminate deeper into the muscles and digestive organs, especially the liver. Most experts agree:

If you want to initiate a detox, you should drink more (green juices), eat less and exercise until you perspire. Also, investigate digestive enzyme supplements, a fiber supplement and a daily multi-vitamin. Make sure to discuss any cleanse or detox with your general practitioner.

Clear your skin.

A weight loss tool popular in the Far East and infrequently seen in the United States, weekly sessions in an Infrared Jade Sauna—which heats you up from your internal core temperature—helps most healthy adults purge up to 600 calories in 30 minutes per session. “Using the ancient healing power of jade stone, combined with high-tech infrared rays, Jade Saunas are private, temperature-controlled and based on your comfort zone,” says Joseph Harounian, owner of Firm Body Evolution (FBE) gym and spa in West Hollywood, California. You slip into one of eight personal pods wearing a tank top and shorts, recline on a stone bed and close the lid for time away from the chaos of urban grit. One of FBE’s team members peeks in every few minutes to place cool compresses on your forehead, dim the lights and check on music selection. Your pores expel free radicals and contaminants (food additives, caffeine, excess sodium, etc.) for hours following one treatment, $50 a la carte;

Clean up your food supply and eliminate sugar.

Granted, slowly weaning off of unhealthy staples including dairy, meat and sugar is not exactly easy. “The hardest part in the beginning of a detox is keeping your cravings in check,” says Kris Carr, author of Crazy Sexy Diet (Hay House 2011) and Crazy, Sexy Kitchen (2012). Here are her tips for cleaning up your diet and sidestepping sugar and caffeine cravings as you detox:

  • Sip hot herbal or green tea all day to keep your mouth busy and intake more antioxidants. Stick to filtered water.
  • Nosh on rice cakes with nut butters, baked sweet potatoes, crudité and spicy dips. Don’t skip meals or starve yourself.
  • Start your day with a shot of willpower in a glass: Mix leafy greens (think kale and spinach) with sweeter produce such as carrots and green apples. Drink one for breakfast and another prior to your 3 p.m. afternoon slump.
  • Eat whole, organic seasonal vegetables every chance you get.

And aim for two organic fruits for snacks each day.

Sweat out cellular waste and exercise intensely.

Skin, your largest organ, is an organ of excretion, so it makes sense that high-energy cardiovascular exercise—where you perspire more than usual (spinning class, boot camps and hot yoga)—can purify your bloodstream by shuttling toxins out of your body via the skin. Although the American College of Sports Medicine suggests all healthy adults get 30 to 60 minutes of exercise most days of the week, about two-thirds of Americans don’t get half of that. Detox moral of the story? Move intensely enough to sweat through your clothes and work up to a breathless pant several days per week. At that sweaty point, you’re eliminating the main chemicals (stimulants, food additives, cosmetic chemicals, over-the-counter medicine) that your system is bombarded with daily.

Jump on the healthy bacteria bandwagon.

About two-thirds of any detox occurs in the digestive system, experts say, so cleansing the colon and liver is paramount. Most foods lack the viability or quantity to optimize healthy bacteria colonies in the colon, so supplementing with a daily probiotic (with “live, active cultures”) is an excellent idea. “There are 100 trillion microorganisms in the colon that preserve and protect the fragile, internal ecosystem responsible for nourishing the gut and maintaining whole body wellness,” says Steven Lamm, M.D., professor of internal medicine at New York University in Manhattan. “Prebiotics and probiotics are essential ‘firewalls’ in the gut that protect against toxins in the environment and the foods we eat. Prebiotics are the foot soldiers that feed the healthy bacteria in the colon. They’re found in foods like Jerusalem artichoke, chicory and other nutrient sources rich in FOS (fructooligosaccharides). Probiotics are the actual bacteria that we ingest to help promote a healthy internal ecosystem. Typical probiotic foods are yogurt, kefir and fermented miso and sauerkraut.”

According to Dr. Lamm, author of No Guts, No Glory (Basic Health 2012), digestive enzymes are just as important for digestion and overall health as probiotics. “Most people don’t know what enzymes do and how powerful they are. Where probiotics can take weeks to have an effect, enzymes bring immediate results,” Dr. Lamm says. “You’re only as healthy as the nutrients you absorb, and there’s a relative enzyme deficiency in most people, especially as we age.”

Purify your senses and detox negative emotions.

At the Sense Spa at Rosewood Mayakoba, in a rainforest on the Riviera Maya in southeast Mexico, sits the Temezcal, an indigenous Mayan sauna made of rough clay bricks and heated from the inside with volcanic rocks. Across Mexico and South America, the temple-like sweat lodge is an indigenous rite of passage, which signifies a circle of fire, an offering of worship, a sage cleansing and chants to the universe. Every 60-minute purifying aromatherapy steam is guided by a temazcalero (a medicine man or shaman) and conducted largely in the dark, says Emmanuel Arroyo, spa director of Rosewood Mayakoba. “It’s a very purifying and meditative experience.”

January 28, 2014 by kim chiko

Plants on walls

Plants On Walls Vertical Garden & Living Wall Gallery
Vertical garden designer Chris Bribach creates luxurious living walls for his clients using Florafelt vertical garden planters.

Florafelt Vertical Garden Planters and Living Wall Systems

San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers

A dazzling array of exotic tropicals cover a wall at the entrance to San Francisco's Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park. Guadalupe Cota, Senior Nursery Specialist, selects and places each plant as they become available, and the Florafelt Vertical Garden system gives her the flexibility to slowly build the perfect garden. After 6 months, nearly 2/3rds of the pockets have been filled, and the plants have shown significant growth . The planters are hung from steel struts by s-hooks and are watered and fed by a digital hose timer and pressure feeder. The Florafelt Vertical Garden Planters were donated to this San Francisco institution by Chris Bribach of Plants On Walls. it is located in the front entrance, and offers visitors a welcome bursting with color and intrigue.

Florafelt Vertical Garden Planters and Living Wall Systems

CBRE Towers, 100 Pine Street, Downtown San Francisco

After 6 months, the vertical garden at 100 Pine Street in Downtown San Francisco has developed rich colors and textured depth. The blue star ferns have emerged, while the bird nest, mother, and leather ferns push to the front of the ficus decora, giving 3-dimensional structure to the composition. Designed by Chris Bribach of Plants On Walls for CBRE office towers.

Florafelt Vertical Garden Planters and Living Wall Systems

Beverly Hills Vertical Garden

Chris Bribach worked closely with the client's designer to make this huge vertical garden ease the transition from a gleaming and minimalist Beverly Hills interior to a dramatic garden and pool area, sculpted with geometric foliage and trimmed with fountains of water and fire. This living wall covers the entire south end of a stunning loggia, facing a carved waterfall fountain. The living wall needed to maintain the sense of order while bringing a touch of untamed wildlife, a hint of jungle. The architect used dramatic up-lighting to highlight floating orchids amidst a tangle of tropical flora, all vividly displayed against the black frame and felt that recede from view. Waves of bright-light loving plants flow naturally, with Chinese evergreen and near-black ficus exploding from the base and flowing into the red undersides of calathea, perfectly paired with the fiery bromeliads. Ferns drop from the ceiling above floating orchids and the occasional spray of lipstick vine.

Florafelt Vertical Garden Planters and Living Wall Systems

San Francisco Decorator Showcase 2012

Davis Dalbok of Living Green asked Chris Bribach to install Floraflet Vertical Garden Planters beside the main entry of San Francisco's prestigious annual Decorator Showcase. 504 pockets allow visitors to transition from a welcome of vivid, light-loving succulents to the comfort of shady ferns in the portico. The living wall was a temporary display and pipe clamps were used to attach to the existing historic structure, leaving no marks behind. Drip trays at the base drained to existing pipes, leaving the walkway dry.

Florafelt Vertical Garden Planters and Living Wall Systems

Los Altos Hills Private Residence

PlantsOnWalls created a fern paradise for this private residence in California's Los Altos Hills. Two massive Floraframe Living Wall Kits were mounted to the existing masonry walls to create a lavish indoor garden of 504 ferns. The remaining landscape was planted by San Francisco's Living Green Landscape Design. This open atrium has bright indirect light, the perfect environment for ferns.

Florafelt Vertical Garden Planters and Living Wall Systems

Fork Cafe, San Francisco

Chris Bribach, designer for PlantsOnWalls, created a wall of philodendrons for Fork Cafe on Castro Street in San Francisco. The towering jungle created an instantly distinctive environment for the newly opened restaurant, where customers dine with indoor comfort and outdoor style. Visit Fork Cafe at 469 Castro Street near Market.

Florafelt Vertical Garden Planters and Living Wall Systems

Urban Bistro, Burlingame, California

Visit Urban Bistro in Burlingame, California to view their luscious living fern wall designed and installed by PlantsOnWalls. Like other restaurants that incorporate living walls into their design, customers often prefer the comfort of dining indoors with so much nature nearby. Urban Bistro, 270 Lorton Ave, Burlingame, CA 94010

Florafelt Vertical Garden Planters and Living Wall Systems

Population Hair Salon

Population Hair Salon in San Francisco welcomes customers with a living, growing work of art that has become a focus for the business and a conversation piece for everyone who visits. A small copper pipe funnels water to an outside drain. Visit Population Hair Salon at 537 Divisadero Street in San Francisco NOPA district.

Florafelt Vertical Garden Planters and Living Wall Systems

Fern Garden for a San Francisco Home

Florafelt Vertical Garden Planters and Living Wall Systems

Tropical Jungle for a San Francisco Live/Work Space

This San Francisco resident wanted new life inside her industrial design home. The living walls have brought an exciting new feel to her live/work space. After two months, the custom installation by PlantsOnWalls shows vigorous new growth. The two living walls are home to 492 tropical plants that conjures images of the jungle.


reprinted from:


November 05, 2012 by kim chiko


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